Last update of the privacy notice of K&G Abogados, S.C. (the “Notice”): May 2024.

1. Data Controller:

K&G Abogados, S.C. (“KG”) with address at Calle Bosque de Duraznos number 61, interior 5E, Colonia Bosques de las Lomas, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11700, Mexico City, in accordance with the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties (the “Law”), is responsible for the processing of Personal Data (as such term is defined below) that KG collects through the website (the “Site”), as well as physically or electronically from certain individuals and legal entities to provide our services (the “Holder” and/or the “Holders”).

2. Personal Data that will be collected and processed:

In order to carry out the purposes described in this Notice, KG may collect Personal Data from the Holder, with the understanding that some of such Personal Data are, among others: (i) full name; (ii) address; (iii) date and place of birth; (iv) nationality; (v) Federal Taxpayer Registry (“RFC”) or tax identification number; (vi) Unique Population Registry Code (“CURP”); (vii) economic activity and/or patrimonial information; (viii) e-mail address; (ix) cell phone number and/or landline phone number; (x) financial information; and (xi) payment, billing and/or banking information (together with what is set forth in items (i) through (ix) above, the “Personal Data”).

3. Purposes of processing:

The Personal Data will be collected by KG, to be used for the following purposes:

  • To enter into the contracts for the provision of legal and/or tax services, as the case may be, with the Holders.
  • To inform about changes in the contracts for the provision of legal and/or tax services, as the case may be, that have been entered into by the Holders with KG.
  • To comply with the obligations contracted with the Holders by virtue of the execution of the contracts for the provision of legal and/or tax services to which KG is a party.
  • To store the information provided to KG by the Holder.
  • To prepare the invoices corresponding to the services rendered by KG in favor of the Holder.
  • Verify and confirm the identity or any information of the Holder or the person who wishes to receive the provision of legal and/or tax services from KG.
  • Perform and follow up on inquiries, investigations and/or reviews of the activities, operations, complaints and/or claims, related to the services provided by KG.
  • To comply with any applicable legal provision.
  • Verify payment data and perform anti-fraud controls.
  • To prepare physical and electronic files of the Holders' records.

KG reserves the right to modify the aforementioned purposes in accordance with section 11. of this Notice.

4. Transfer of Personal Data:

KG will not share the Personal Data of the Holder with third parties without his/her prior consent, unless: (i) the applicable legislation or a court order so requires; (ii) the information must be shared with a supplier or contractor in order to comply with the purposes of the legal and/or tax service contracted by the Holder; (iii) ) it is necessary for the protection of the rights or assets of KG or, of the Holders; and (iv) it is about any transfer of Personal Data that is provided for in the Law and/or its regulations.

Likewise, the Personal Data of the Holder may be transferred by KG without the consent of the Holder under the terms established in article 37 of the Law and other corresponding articles of the applicable legislation.

5. Information to which the Holder shall have access:

KG will grant access to the Holder with respect to the information related to its operations with KG for purposes of consulting the same and, in certain cases, updating such information.

6. ARCO Rights:

The Holder has the right to know his/her Personal Data, previously collected by KG, as well as the purposes for which it will be used and the conditions of the use that will be given to it (the “Access”). Likewise, it is the right of the Holder to request in writing to KG: (i) the correction of his/her Personal Data, in case such information is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (the “Rectification”); (ii) that the Personal Data be removed from KG's records or databases, when the Holder considers that such Personal Data is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations provided by the Law (the “Cancellation”); and/or (iii) oppose the use of his/her Personal Data for certain specific purposes (the “Opposition” and together with Access, Rectification and Cancellation, the “ARCO Rights”).

In order to exercise the ARCO Rights, the Holder must submit the respective request via e-mail to the account: or, if applicable, via telephone to the number: +52 (55) 5259-1156; to the person responsible and in charge of the care and handling of the Personal Data. Such request must contain: (i) the full name and address of the Holder, in order for KG to communicate the corresponding response; (ii) a copy of the document proving the identity or, as the case may be, the legal representation of the Holder; (iii) a description of the Personal Data for which it seeks to exercise any or, as the case may be, all ARCO Rights; (iv) any other element that facilitates the location of the Personal Data; (v) establish which of the ARCO Rights is intended to be exercised; and (vi) a brief account of the reasons why the Holder intends to exercise any or, as the case may be, all of the ARCO Rights.

KG will communicate to the Holder, within 20 (twenty) business days following the submission of the request of the Holder, granted by the Law, the response to the same. The cancellation of the Personal Data of the Holder shall be subject to the provisions of Article 26 of the Law.

7. Revocation of Consent:

The Holder may revoke the consent for the processing of his or her Personal Data, for which purpose, the Holder shall send the respective request via email to the address, accompanied by the information and documentation mentioned in section 6. above of this Notice. However, the Holder acknowledges and agrees to be aware that, for certain purposes, in terms of compliance with the obligations undertaken in this Notice, the revocation of the Holder's consent may imply that KG may not be able to continue providing the corresponding services and/or the termination of the relationship between the Holder and KG. Likewise, it should be considered that, not in all cases KG will be able to meet the request of the Holder or stop the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation of KG it may be required to continue processing the Personal Data of the Holder for an additional period of time.

To learn about the procedure and requirements for the revocation of consent, the Holder may call or communicate through any of the following means: (i) ) e-mail:; (ii) contact number KG: +52 (55) 5259-1156.

8. Limitation to the use and disclosure of Personal Data:

Additionally, and, for purposes of the Holder being able to limit the use and disclosure of his Personal Data, the Holder may register before the Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, in charge of the Federal Consumer Attorney's Office (the “PROFECO”), with the purpose of not using his Personal Data to receive advertising or promotions from companies dedicated to goods or services. For further information on such registration, the Holder may consult the Internet portal of the PROFECO or contact it directly.

9. Security and protection of Personal Data:

In order to provide greater protection and confidentiality to the Personal Data of the Holder, KG will implement all possible security and technology measures.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever such measures are provided by third parties, KG shall not be liable for any breach of the security of the Site that may be caused by third parties.

10. The use of cookies, web beacons or any other similar or analogous technology:

10.1. Sites to collect information:

KG uses various platforms and sites to collect information that require the enablement of cookies in your Internet browser, which, are text files that are placed on your computer or mobile device, to help the website analyze how the Holders make use of the website.

10.2. Information collected through cookies and similar technologies: 

KG and its service providers use cookies, web beacons and other technologies, to receive and store certain types of information whenever the Holder interacts, through his or her device, with the Site or, where applicable, the service providers' sites. A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your device when you visit the Site or, as the case may be, service provider sites. When you revisit the Site or, as the case may be, the service providers' sites, the cookie enables the Site or, as the case may be, the service providers' sites, to recognize your browser.

Cookies may store unique identifiers, Holder’s preferences and other information. For purposes of identifying when a cookie is being sent and/or to refuse cookies, you can reset your browser. However, some features or services of the Site or, where applicable, service provider sites, may not function properly without cookies being enabled. We use cookies to improve the quality of our service, as well as to store Holder preferences and track Holder trends.

Web beacons are images inserted in an Internet page or e-mail, which can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, including, among others, storing information about the IP address of the Holder, the duration of interaction time on that website and the type of browser used.

We inform you that we use cookies and web beacons to obtain certain personal information from the Holder, such as: (i) the Holder’s browser type and operating system; (ii) the Internet pages visited; (iii) the links followed; (iv) the IP address; and (v) the site the Holder visited before entering the Site.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, such cookies and other technologies may be disabled. There are several sites within the Site that may link to other websites that do not operate under the Site's privacy policies. When the Holder accesses other websites, the privacy practices of the Site, as well as the present Notice are no longer valid. In this regard, we invite Holders to review the privacy policies, as well as the corresponding privacy notice of each website accessed before disclosing any information containing Personal Data. All Personal Data collected must be updated for the purposes for which they were collected and, in case the Personal Data are no longer necessary for the purposes foreseen by KG, they must be cancelled.

11. Modifications to the Notice:

This Notice may undergo modifications, changes or updates derived from new legal requirements, as well as KG's own needs due to the services it offers, KG's privacy practices, changes in KG's business model, or for any other cause.

These modifications will be available to the public through the following means: (i) visible announcement on the Site through the section called “Privacy Notice”; and (ii) the last e-mail provided in writing by the Holder to KG.

12. Consent:

By entering and using the Site, the Holder consents to the processing of his or her Personal Data, in accordance with this Notice. For purposes of transfers of Personal Data, KG will request your consent in accordance with the provisions of this Notice and the Law.

Any questions and/or comments regarding this Notice, as well as the exercise of any other rights that by Law correspond to you, should be addressed to the person in charge of privacy notices to the e-mail

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the Holder considers that the processing of his/her Personal Data constitutes a violation of the provisions of the Law, he/she may go to the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (the “INAI”) in order to file the corresponding complaint or denunciation.

Likewise, if the Holder considers that his or her right to protection of Personal Data has been violated by any conduct carried out by any member of KG, any action and/or response of any member of KG, or presumes that in the processing of his or her Personal Data there is any violation of the provisions of the Law, he or she may file the corresponding complaint or denunciation before the INAI. For more information, please visit